1201 Orange Street
Suite 7160
Wilmington, DE, 19801
Common queries answered
Frequently asked Questions
Typically, orders are processed and shipped within 3-5 business days, with delivery taking 4-9 business days, depending on your location.
We offer a 14-day return policy on items in their original condition. Simply contact us, and we’ll guide you through the process.
If you need to change your shipping address, please contact us as soon as possible. We can update it if your order hasn’t been shipped yet.
Once your order ships, you’ll receive a tracking number by email. Use it to monitor your delivery’s progress.
Contact us immediately if you notice an error in your shipping address. We’ll try our best to make corrections before your order ships.
Yes! We offer free shipping worldwide to ensure everyone can enjoy our products.
Depending on the items and availability, your order may arrive in multiple packages. We’ll send tracking details for each shipment.